Book Review Requests/ARCs

*AT THE MOMENT I AM ONLY ACCEPTING PHYSICAL COPIES OF REVIEW BOOKS - my reason is because it makes keeping track of what I need to review a lot easier. But you can still email me if you would like me to review your book, even if you can't provide a physical copy. I will let you know if I will review your book or not.*
If you are an author or publisher-or anyone for that matter-that would like me to do a review here is some information to see if I fit your needs.

NOTE: I only review YA books

I review :

-Romance (Chick-Lit)
-Paranormal Romance
-Dark and Edgy
- self-published
I am not limited to these only. If the book you are requesting a review for doesn't fit in these categories feel free to email me. You can find my contact information here.